
Alexandra La Cruz
ICARIANS our AI P2P teachers are from around the world & all walks of life they walk the walk and talk the talk they want you to know what they know they believe that education can change our lives
Alexandra's BIO

Dr. Alexandra La Cruz was  born in Caracas, Venezuela, in September 1971. Computer Engineer (1995). and Master in Biomedical Engineering (2000) from the Simón Bolivar University. In 2006, She obtained her PhD in Engineering Sciences at the Vienna University of Technology and worked in 3D Modeling and Reconstruction of Peripheral Vascular Structure. For more than eight years I was an Associate Professor at the Simón Bolivar University, being responsible for various administrative tasks. Author of more than 60 scientific publications in international conferences, books and journals, most of them indexed in Scopus, IEEE, Science citation index, peer-reviewed journals, among others. She has more than 20 years of experience in teaching, research, management and supervision of multidisciplinary work teams at different levels, undergraduate, graduate and specialties. She was part of a Technology Consultant as Product Manager and participated in the development of software products for Citibank. She has participated in short research stays at the Laboratoire Traitement du signal et de l'image (LTSI) of the University of Rennes 1, France, at the Laboratoire Informatique de l'Universite de Pau et des Pays de l'adour (LIUPPA), France, and at the Computer Graphics Institute of the Vienna University of Technology, Austria. From November 2013 to February 2016, She worked as a Prometheus Researcher for the National Secretariat of Higher Education, Science and Technology (SENESCYT), Ecuador, linked to the University of Cuenca. She participated in an entrepreneurship program for the creation of companies in the area of innovation and technology. In addition, She wrote a manual on Artificial Intelligence and Human User Interface for the Computer Science program at the International University of Valencia, Spain. Currently, She teaches in the Systems Engineering program at the University of Ibagué, Tolima, Colombia, and She is a member of the Alumbra.ai Research team. Her area of interest has been medical image processing, computer vision, semantic Web tools for automatic annotation and visualization of medical images, BigData analysis, and recently in Artificial Intelligence for data analytics, business intelligence and computer vision.

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