
Jesus Maria Velasquez Fernandez
ICARIANS our AI P2P teachers are from around the world & all walks of life they walk the walk and talk the talk they want you to know what they know they believe that education can change our lives
Jesus Maria's BIO
Jesus Maria Velasquez Fernandez is a Professor at Universidad Simón Bolívar in Heath Transfer & Fluid Mechanics and Micromaster Biophysics, Biointrumentation &; Biomechanics Professor at USB Funindes. He holds a BE in Mechanics, an MSc in Bio-Engineering, and a Ph.D. in Science from Universidad Simón Bolívar. Professor of Mechanics of Materials and Termodynamics at Universidad Metropolitana (Venezuela). Experience in Manufacture, Plant Managing and has an Investigation line in Metabolic Syndrome. Previously, he worked as Manager at Metalmecanica ALCA C.A. (Venezuela), Service Manager at Instituto Nacional de la Vivienda INAVI (Venezuela), Plant Manager at Electricos Suministros c.a. ELECSUNCA (Venezuela), and Maintenance and Design Manager at Packaging Technologies de Venezuela.