How To Help Students Stay Focused During Holiday Season


Finding ways to keep students focused on upcoming holidays can be challenging for parents and teachers. The days leading up to Thanksgiving and the last day before Christmas break pose particular difficulties.

While the temptation to let students relax is strong, maintaining a structured learning environment is crucial. This ensures that important lessons are retained before the holidays, facilitating continued learning upon returning to school.

Here are a few effective tips for keeping students focused in the lead-up to the holiday season:

  1. Maintain Classroom Structure:
    • It’s essential to uphold discipline and rules. Students thrive when there’s stability, and maintaining routines is crucial. While it might be tempting to deviate during the holiday season, providing a sense of predictability is important for students.
  2. Stick to a Good Schedule:
    • Managing instructional plans can be challenging during the holiday season. Ensure all necessary materials are prepared before the break, allowing for a seamless return to learning. Being well-prepared facilitates quick review and the commencement of new units when school resumes.
  3. Continue Teaching:
    • Despite the festive atmosphere, resist the temptation to ease up on teaching during the last days before the holiday break. Encourage a focus on learning rather than early celebrations. Consistency is key to maintaining a productive academic environment.
  4. Introduce New, Exciting Lessons:
    • To keep students engaged, inject novelty into lessons through games, competitions, or different activities like music. Recognize their achievements and reward them with new challenges, fostering enthusiasm for learning.
  5. Incorporate Holidays Into Lessons:
    • Leverage the holiday season to introduce new units and activities aligned with the festive spirit. Engage students with seasonal and themed activities that make learning enjoyable and relevant to the time of year.